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VMware vSphere is VMware's virtualization platform, which transforms data centers into aggregated computing infrastructures that include CPU, storage, and networking resources. vSphere manages these infrastructures as a unified operating environment, and provides you with the tools to administer the data centers that participate in that environment.

vSphere Features

  • Maximize Data Center Capacity Utilization

Using a forward-looking analytics engine, predict future demand, get recommendations, and automate reclamation and rightsizing.

  • Optimize Budget Management

Manage tight IT budgets by increasing ROI from existing resources and leveraging chargeback and showback.

  • Maximize SLAs

Maximize SLAs with performance monitoring, predictive analytics and faster troubleshooting.

  • Regulations Adherence

Enable governance and compliance to industry standards.

  • Enhance Workload Performance

Improve infrastructure performance by offloading security and networking functions from the CPUs to Data Processing Units (DPUs).​

  • Accelerate Business Innovation with AI

Enhance the performance of large AI/ML workloads with support for up to 16 vGPUs per VM, 32 passthrough devices per VM, and the deployment of NVLink and NVSwitch technology.

VMware vSphere


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